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Docusign Signing Process

Instantly sign all your documents using your computer or mobile phone.

Step 1

You will receive an email and when it is opened it will come up with the  following screen. Tap with your finger on “Review Documents”.

Downing and Sons cc
Downing and Sons cc

Step 2

Tap on the check box “I agree to use electronic records and signatures” and tap ‘Continue‘.

Step 3

Tap on ‘Start’ and then tap on the highlighted sign block at the bottom of the page.

Downing and Sons cc
Downing and Sons cc

Step 4

Now sign/draw your signature in the block with a cell phone pen or your finger. If you are not satisfied with the result you tap on clear and re-sign. After you have completed your signature you tap on “Adopt and Sign”.

By doing this your signature is automatically placed in the sign block.

Step 5

Tap on the ‘Sign‘ block.

Downing and Sons cc
Downing and Sons cc

Step 6

You will now be automatically taken to each and every page to be signed.

Just tap on the sign block. This will continue until the last page.

Once you have tapped the sign block on the last page you then go to the top of the page and tap on “Finish”.

Step 7

Tap on “No Thanks”.

Downing and Sons cc
Downing and Sons cc

Step 8

Nothing you have to do here.

Step 9

Should you want to keep a copy of the signed contract then tap on  “View Completed Documents”.

Downing and Sons cc

To be able to sign the contract, or any other documents we request on a desk top computer or laptop, you must have a signature pad connected.